Q?What does ARK mean?
ARK is an acronym used in specific contexts to represent Association of Reading of Kenya. This acronym is often used on our website, in official documents and in our correspondence with development partners, prospective members, business associates and other stakeholders.
Q?Who is eligible to become a member of ARK?
Our membership draws from the teaching fraternity, libraries, research organizations and professional development entities, institutions of higher learning, publishing companies, instructional design organizations, policy-making institutions, and curriculum development agencies among others. ARK members include teachers, lecturers, instructional coaches, university students, librarians, research professionals, language and speech therapists, language and literacy specialists, professional development experts, curriculum developers, publishers and the media fraternity.
Q?How can one become a member of ARK?
Membership to ARK is open to any individual over the age of eighteen years, subject to the approval of The Board, and upon payment of a one-time membership entrance fee of Ksh. 500. Members shall also pay a monthly subscription of Ksh. 200 not later than 15th day of each month or Ksh. 2,400 per year which can be paid once or in pre-determined equal installments. This is a modest fee compared to other organizations which charge as much as Ksh. 10,000 per year.
Q?Can the membership fee for ARK be waived?
The initial membership fee and monthly subscription fee cannot be waived. The fee help in processing membership certificates and other documentation to formalize one’s membership with ARK and update the membership register at the registrar of societies. The monthly subscription fee helps to finance general operations of ARK. This includes but is not limited to correspondence with members, development of newsletters, remittance for the post office box and other miscellaneous expenses.
Q?How can a member of ARK withdraw their membership with the organization?
Any member desiring to withdraw their membership or resign from ARK can do so by shall submitting their resignation notice in writing to the secretary; which shall take effect immediately from the date of receipt of such notice by the secretary.
Q?What can cause a member to be expelled from ARK?
A member may be expelled from membership if The Board so recommends and if a general meeting of ARK shall resolve by a two-thirds majority of members present that such a member should be expelled on the grounds that hisor her conduct has adversely affected the reputation or dignity of ARK; or that he or she has contravened any of the provisions of the constitution of ARK.
Q?What is the role of The Board in suspending or expelling a member from ARK?
The Board has powers to suspend a member from his or her membership until the next general meeting of ARK. Following such suspension but notwithstanding such suspension; a member whose expulsion is proposed shall have the right to address the general meeting at which his or her expulsion is to be considered.